Culverhill School

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Parents and Community Comments

Parent Questionnaire

In summary

98% of responses from Parents feel:

  • Children are looked after and are safe
  • Children are learning efficiently
  • Children are encouraged to be independent
  • Children are prepared for their future
  • Pupils are well behaved
  • The school responds well to concerns
  • The school is well led and managed
  • They would recommend the school to other parents

95% of Parents feel:

  • They receive valuable information about their child's progress
  • Children make good progress at school

Parent questionnaire comments

"We would just like it to be recorded that's not only has our nephew who we have special guardianship for had to deal with his ongoing learning difficulties, also the loss of his mum two and a half years ago. With the help, support and encouragement of all the staff at Culverhill School he is absolutely thriving, a happy child eager to learn. We are in awe in the way the school and the staff perform to make such a positive input into the lives of the students which will benefit them for the rest of their lives".

"We are very happy with Culverhill- we know we made the right choice in changing schools when we did due to our child not coming home so stressed and the school always working at his level as well as towards his targets. Teachers are always brilliant to talk to and always let us know how our child is getting on".

"All teachers and TA's do a great job, he is very well supported".

"Thank you for all that you do".

"Excellent in every area understanding caring and excellent staff shame there is no sixth form"!

"This is an excellent school for children with SEN".

"We feel that the school is excellent and really helped and supported us as a family and my daughter loves school".

"Very happy with school so far".

"I recommend Culverhill to my friend whose daughter was at Warmley park where near me he has gone. Previously we did show up with our friends and her daughter is now thriving at Culverhill. We’re very grateful thank you".

"I was unsure at first as to whether or not (my child) would be happy at Culverhill- it has far superseded our expectations. He absolutely loves Culverhill so that makes him extremely happy and content providing such a warm friendly and educationally appropriate school for our children".

"He is very happy at Culverhill".

"(My child) loves going to school- he is learning about more new things like what he has done at school. Whereas before he would never tell me anything-  ‘I don't know’ ‘What I'm not telling you’ - I don't get that anymore".  

"My son enjoys going to school and his teacher is really good with him and makes learning fun for him to be able to learn and meet all of the children's needs and makes them feel safe and for them to want to come to school and be happy".


Further comments from parents....

Dear Staff

A goal a few months ago during a telephone call to "Pupil". I asked her how her day had been at School. Her response was " I got stuck in the mud and so did my friend. I had to help her get her shoe out of the mud".  Later I learnt that she was in preparation for the D of E expedition. I am so happy Sophie has been given the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh award! Helping young people regardless of their background, ability to discover their potential, raise their aspirations and help them connect with each other and develop their team work skills. I can imagine taking on the D of E award has required additional time and resources on staff and the school, so I wanted to make sure you know the wonderful work you do doesn't go unrecognised.  It is making a real difference.

Aunt of a year 10.

Comments from the public

I just wanted to drop a note to say that I saw some of your pupils on a trip to Victoria Park in Bath when I took my sons (4 & 2 years old) there on Monday afternoon.Your pupils behaved brilliantly and were very accommodating when my sons wanted to share the slides etc. An absolute credit to your school. Furthermore, I’d like to recognise your staff’s wonderful attitude when supporting and playing with the children. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how lucky we are so seeing this fantastic attitude from the youngsters and care from your teachers was a great reminder of your service to the local community. Keep up the great work.

End of term comments



A huge thank you to all of you as well as the school as a whole! H has had the most amazing years at Culverhill, it was truly the best decision to send him there. Whenever I have been to the school I have been overwhelmed with the passion, dedication and genuine care for all the students!! The school culture is fantastic! It clearly shows how every student is treated as an individual and given the support and encouragement they need to succeed! The emotional and pastoral care is also something for you all to be proud of ! It truly has made so much difference to H during extremely challenging times ! I have always been able to trust the staff immensely and have always felt supported as a family in meeting H’s needs. Not once have I had to ‘fight ‘ for anything and I can’t express what that means to us as a family (it takes the pressure off us so that we can be his parents instead of having to fight systems all the time) . You are all amazing!!!! Keep up the outstanding work you all do !! Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏 😉😉 

Saw S off on the bus this morning can’t believe it's her last trip on bus to school ❤️🤩😥🥹 she's done amazing 🤩 I'm so very proud of the young lady she's become xxxx thx u for all u staff have worked do hard all your support with S she's kept her emotions in but she said sure be tears later ❤️❤️❤️ she's brought in flowers 💐 chocs for u all wrote some lovely letters xxxxx my sisters have sent u something in post too xxx ❤️ hope S has the best last day xxxx thx u again to you all.  Thx u for giving S such enjoyable memorable years to always treasure x

Enable Trust

Enable Trust is a specialist school Trust with a vision to deliver the best quality provision for children with a range of complex co-existing special educational needs.

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