Culverhill School

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Physical Education (PE)

Mrs Bell is our PE teacher at Culverhill and works Monday - Thursday.

Our PE curriculum is varied and includes a broad range of sports/activities.  The curriculum is constantly evolving in order to best meet the needs of each cohort of pupils.  Physical education provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy life styles.


At Culverhill we are really lucky to have excellent sports equipment and facilities.  Teaching takes place in our multi-purpose hall, on our Astro and on our field.

We recently had a series of exercise stations installed around our daily mile path, which encircles our playground and field.  This provides pupils with the opportunity to get regular exercise/movement breaks from their lessons on the days when they don’t have a PE lesson.





House System

All pupils and staff at Culverhill School belong to one of our four Houses – Byland, Storey, Murray and Simmonds.

The names of these houses are the names of famous Para and Special Olympians.  They were chosen by our year 11 pupils when we launched the House System in 2019.  The four Houses are represented by a fantastic creature, as shown on the House shield.

Throughout the year pupils can earn House Points every PE lesson, by wearing the correct PE kit and demonstrating a positive attitude.  House points are also awarded for good sporting behaviour.

During the summer term every child, led by their Year 11 House Captain, has the opportunity to represent their House at our whole school sports day.

PE Kit

We are very proud of our Culverhill P.E. kit which enables the children to participate safely and comfortably in lessons and which also means our pupils can represent the school with pride at any inter-school sports events that they may attend.

For more detailed information on P.E. kit requirements, and how to order, please click on the “Culverhill PE Kit” tab.

Sports Clubs

We are really proud of the number of our pupils who attend Sports Clubs outside of school.  This not only provides them with the opportunity to participate in more exercise/sport but also to practice their social skills and to meet other young people with similar needs. 

Over the last couple of years Culverhill PE department has established firm links with a number of Sports Clubs who specialise in providing friendly, fun, fully inclusive sessions. 

Please click on the “Club Links” tab for details of clubs that have established links with the Culverhill PE department* and are attended by Culverhill pupils.

*The activities and sports clubs listed here are all independently run and are not endorsed by Culverhill School or Enable Trust. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to assess the suitability of any club or activity for the child in their care.

Please click on boxes below for more information:

PE Curriculum documents


Our PE curriculum is varied and includes a wide range of sports and physical activities, all of which enable our pupils to meet their Physical Outcomes (as identified in their EHCP).  The curriculum is constantly evolving in order to best meet the needs of each cohort of pupils. 

Physical Education provides opportunities for pupils to be competitive, creative and to encounter different challenges both as individuals and in groups or teams.  Pupils develop the ability to think in different ways dependent on the activity; they learn how to plan and evaluate their actions in order to improve their performance. 

The curriculum also promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles, providing pupils with a step on the pathway to lifelong physical activity.

The curriculum offer is further enhanced by;

  • The provision of extra-curricular sports clubs.
  • Inter-house competitions.
  • Opportunities to work with specialist sports coaches (e.g. Bristol Bears Inclusion Team, BCFC Robins Foundation, Nova Sports).
  • Opportunities to attend a wide range of sporting events, festivals and competitions (e.g. Panathlons, Bristol Bears Festivals, Festival of Youth Sport).
  • Collaborative work with other specialist SEND Physical Education practitioners.
  • Opportunities to participate in sports/leisure in commercial settings.
  • Strong links with a range of Inclusive Sports Clubs in the community, in a range of sports, providing pupils with the next step on their journey to lifelong physical activity.

For more detailed information on the PE curriculum please click documents below:

PE scheme of work - class 1 and 2PE scheme of work - Year 7

PE Scheme of work - Year 8

PE scheme of work - Year 9

Celebrating Success in PE

Within PE lessons we are keen to celebrate success of all kinds, whether that may be a child mastering a complex skill, working well as a member of a team, having the confidence to demonstrate in front of the class, coping with the disappointment of losing in a competitive situation or simply participating in a lesson.


Pupils receive House Points every lesson for remembering their kit and for trying hard.  “Bonus” points are often awarded for being independent, excellent performances, giving great answers, demonstrating leadership qualities, kindness and respect towards peers etc.

Each week one child from each Key Stage will have a PE Postcard sent to them, briefly detailing how they have excelled, in order that their success can be shared and celebrated at home.

Culverhill P.E. Department values success of all kinds – not just winning performances on a sports pitch.  Something that may seem quite insignificant to most people may in fact be a huge achievement and as such should be celebrated. 

Case study A:

Pupil A joined the school, from a local mainstream academy, in Year Nine.  She hadn’t participated in PE since primary school, where she had experienced bullying.  As a result she was extremely uncomfortable in the P.E. environment and her anxiety was preventing her from participating in lessons.

In order to make her feel more comfortable and to give her the opportunity to experience a positive PE environment we arranged for her to be support our youngest pupils in their PE lessons, rather than attending her timetabled lesson with her year group.  Throughout the year she gradually gained confidence and, as she did so, she was encouraged to start wearing her PE kit when supporting in PE.

At the start of the following school year Pupil A came to PE with the rest of her class and participated fully in the lesson with her peers.  Since then Pupil A has not missed a single lesson.

Case study B:

Pupil B started at Culverhill in September 2023. His previous school had mentioned that he was reluctant to participate in PE. We allowed him to sit in the “library area” just outside the hall from where he could watch the PE lesson, in the hope that in time he would feel motivated to engage. 

After several weeks, he made his way inside the hall and would spectate from the benches at the back. This was a huge step for him. Pupil B gradually began to join in with particular activities and games of his choice, 5 or 10 minutes at a time. This continued for the rest of the first term and into the second.

Through patience from staff and the flexibility of giving him ownership over what he felt comfortable participating in, Pupil B gradually became fully involved. Watching his confidence and self-esteem grow has been a joy to witness. He is now thoroughly enjoying PE to the extent where he has joined the after school weekly sports club and has plans to join Kingswood AIR (All Inclusive Rugby club) once old enough in the spring.

J Mitchell (Class Teacher)

Case study C:

Rugby was a 6 week course delivered by a sports coach from Bristol Bears.  Child C was very nervous to begin with and visibly anxious to take part in a rugby lesson.  By week three Child C was actively joining and was more comfortable with the rules, tackles, passing. 

By week six child C was diving to retrieve loose balls and understood the game and rules fully.  It was also very clear how much he was enjoying playing Rugby. I think this was a massive confidence boost for him and just what he needed in order to become more expressive and assertive.

 E Critchley (Class Teaching Assistant)

Case study D:

Pupil D has never been so excited as she is now, participating fully in an Archery lesson off site at a secondary venue to school.

To ensure full inclusivity, last summer Mrs Bell contacted the charity REMAP who designed and made a bespoke steel bow stand apparatus that enables Pupil D to access the equipment both in and out of her wheelchair comfortably and confidently.

She is able to independently aim accurately at the given target with the use of her stronger arm and can position the arrow on the bow with ease.

Her confidence has increased so much in the last few weeks that her family have arranged for her to attend the centre for Archery lessons outside of school hours, for her to continue the new found sports interest, which she attends weekly!

 L Cordy (Class Teaching Assistant)

Case study E:

Pupil E joined the school mid-year and initially refused to come into the hall with his class when they had PE.  We encouraged him to sit in the “library area” just outside the hall during lessons, from where he could watch what we were doing, in order to help him to feel comfortable enough to come and join in. 

After a couple of lessons, when playing a game which involved music, we noticed that Pupil E became really animated and was clearly interested in what we were doing.  For the next week we planned warm-up activities that used music and kept the door open to enable Pupil E to easily see and hear what we were doing.  The following week he joined in with one of the warm-up activities and then sat on a bench, remaining in the room for the rest of the lesson.

We used the same musical warm-up activities for the remainder of the term and the amount that Pupil E participated gradually increased until he was fully engaged in all activities.  Since that point Pupil E hasn’t looked back and participates in every lesson with enthusiasm and confidence.

H Bell (PE Teacher)

Case study F:

Pupil F often shows a lack of confidence which can be seen in him being unable to ask for clarification before an activity and a subsequent level of detachment and a lack of involvement. Pupil F’s PE group has recently been working at the local leisure centre for their Health & Fitness unit.  After initial encouragement he was thoroughly engaged in the gym induction; keen to be at the front of the group and even putting his hand up to ask questions and make sure he knew how to use the machines. This independence and confidence was unprecedented and enabled him to go on to use the gym equipment with real purpose and enjoyment, staff stepping back their support as he grew more confident at using the exercise machines, such as the treadmill, hand bike, static bike and cross trainer. For a student who can find it difficult to join in a team sport as fully as he would like to, being introduced to the gym has not only given him confidence in asking questions but has also introduced him to a type of exercise that he can potentially continue to use outside of school and into adult life as a real asset to his physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

H. Stanley (Class Teaching Assistant)

Culverhill PE Kit

We are very proud of our Culverhill P.E. kit which enables the children to participate safely and comfortably in lessons and which also means our pupils can represent the school with pride at any inter-school sports events that they may attend.

Staff supporting PE lessons also wear Culverhill PE kit.

The kit that your son/daughter will need for their PE lessons is: 

  • Culverhill PE T-Shirt.
  • Culverhill Sweatshirt or Fleece
  • Navy blue shorts or joggers  (Leggings are not suitable)
  • Socks
  • Trainers, which are fastened with laces or Velcro straps.  (Canvas daps are really not suitable as they do not provide support or absorb shock and are not waterproof.)

In order to ensure your child’s safety in PE lessons long hair must be tied back and any piercings must be removed or covered with tape.

Please follow the link to Linea Uniform Shop to order a new PE T-shirt, fleece or hoody: Linea Shop

PE Changing rooms


Fun Fitness Videos

Brizzley Beats!

Thank you to the amazing team over at Bristol Bears for creating these fun dance videos. You can find more of these videos on Youtube.


 Wake and Shake!

Why take part:

  • Enjoyment and sense of well-being
  • Improved self-esteem impacting on other curriculum areas: 'success breeds success'
  • Improved co-ordination
  • Improved rhythm and timing
  • Improved concentration
  • Increased stamina
  • Improved behaviour

Sports Clubs

 Tennis coaching

Cricket coaching

Inclusive Rugby


Football - Downs Syndrome





Enable Trust

Enable Trust is a specialist school Trust with a vision to deliver the best quality provision for children with a range of complex co-existing special educational needs.

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